Featured Artists


Cascade Cultural Arts Center

106 E. Pine St. Cascade, ID 83611

We provide spaces and opportunities for people to express their artistic talents. We have an array of classes, activities, events, and programming. Come in and visit with the artists who will be demonstrating their crafts and to learn more about what our center has to offer – 3D printing, Glowforge, Pottery Studio, sewing, glass fusion, and more.



 Annie Beggs

106 E. Pine St. Cascade, ID 83611- Cascade Cultural Arts Center

I am a multi-disciplinary artist and craftswoman working in ceramics, printmaking, fiber arts, analog photography, and painting. My work consists of utilitarian and decorative objects. In collaboration with natural materials, I aim to facilitate a sense of belonging in domestic spaces, as well as a connection to the earth and one another. At the Cascade Cultural Arts Center, I lead a variety of community art-making workshops for all ages as well as after-school Art and S.T.E.A.M. programming. I have always enjoyed working with my hands and I’m always learning something new, but most of all, I love encouraging and inspiring others to create.

Connect with Annie on Instagram @anniesmudpies 
[email protected] 


Rachel Huckaby
Huckaby Pottery

Cascade Cultural Arts Center (Hub)- 106 E. Pine St. Cascade, ID 83611

Huckaby Pottery is a Cascade-grown business that got its start at the Cascade Cultural Arts Center. Rachel has been doing pottery for ten years but considers herself more of a teacher than an artist. She loves to create pottery that is both functional and beautiful and loves to pass on her knowledge to others. Come check out the community studio space that Rachel calls her “Happy Place”.

[email protected]
Connect with Rachel on Instagram @huckabypottery


Valerie Harris

Rocking Horse Ranch (Hub)- 1300 E. Roseberry, Donnelly, ID 83615

There are some moments in life that are too big for words, so Valerie paints. With a lifelong adventure bug& and sincere adoration for the outdoors, Valerie recreates astonishing nature scenes utilizing the medium of both oil and acrylics on canvas. From California to Idaho to scenes in other countries, Valerie’s works are robust and well-loved. She finds peace now in the exercising of her God-given gift to paint by reflecting the beauty of His creation on canvas.

[email protected]


McCall Arts and Humanities Council

114 N. 3rd St, McCall, ID 83638

McCall Arts and Humanities Council’s mission is to nurture a community rich in culture and creativity by providing all people access to educational and inspirational programs. We envision a community that expresses itself imaginatively in diverse ways, welcomes artists and scholars, and supports learning via culture and creativity as an integral part of everyday life. MAHC runs Community Hub McCall, a space to work, gather and create. Building community with sharing the space for work, meetings, classes and events.

[email protected]

Debra Bonsack
Bonsack Studio at Roots & Relics Gallery

Hub: 503 Pine St., McCall, Idaho 83638

Bonsack specializes in textural Acrylic. The medium is fluid like watercolor yet thick like palette knife oil painting. This unique technique has become her signature work. The artist has experienced great success from this self developed formula and it was not until recently has chosen to teach this to her students. In addition to the unique medium, Debra has added textural silk painting to her portfolio. These unique textile paintings are enhanced with free motion stitches, needle punched wool and silk roving and embroidery. The defining element between the two unique mediums is texture, BonSack’s signature art element.

Connect with Roots & Relics Instagram  @root_and_relics_mccall_idaho and facebook.
[email protected] 



Llona Jensen
Artwork by Llona

1002 S. Mission St. McCall, ID 83638

My life and work have been spent in the outdoors and my artwork reflects my experiences and love for the natural world. Art has been an integral part of my life as far back as I remember growing up in an artistic family. Outdoor recreation is another important aspect of my life, which has led to a lifetime of exploration, observations and appreciation of the natural world around us.

Although I have worked in a number of different mediums as an artist, I have been primarily working in pastels for the past 20 years. What I love about pastels is the sensitive and soft nature of the medium. Details are almost impossible to create, so impressions and moods are more appropriately expressed. I like my artwork to give a feel for the moment, rather than a photographic like representation.

My artwork includes scenes from all seasons. Images include scenes of landscapes, wildlife, waterscapes, and outdoor recreation.

[email protected] 
Connect with Llona on Facebook and Instagram @artworkbyllona



Gallery Fifty-Five

(Hub) 311 E Lake St. McCall, ID 83638 

Gallery Fifty-Five is a nonprofit artist collective with over twenty local and regional artist members. The gallery members exhibit many types of fine art: paintings, ceramics, jewelry, woodworks, fiber and leather art, glass art, mixed media, photography, hand crafted knives, and more. During the tour, selected gallery members will be demoing some of their creative processes. You can find the gallery lakeside, in downtown McCall. The gallery is open daily, 11-5. See galleryfiftyfive.com for more information.

Connect with Gallery Fifty-Five on Instagram and Facebook
[email protected]

Sheree Sonfield

I love to ski, cycle and travel. I thrive on learning languages, experiencing other cultures, time outdoors, memories. Photography keeps those memories alive. Color, light, and composition are essential.

If my image brings back a special memory or puts a smile inside your heart, I’ve accomplished my mission.

My work has been chosen to be shown in the National Wildlife Museum, Jackson, WY, the Rossland Mountain Film Festival and the local BC Arts and Culture Week artists’ project, Rossland, BC. I’ve participated in McCall events: Charlie’s Garden, Art in the Courtyard.

[email protected] 


Sharon Herther

Gallery Fifty-Five (Hub): 311 E Lake St. McCall, ID 83638

As an Idaho native I truly appreciate the beautiful state we live in and I do take advantage of it. I have painted all my life.
The most satisfying part though is when someone love you art and takes it home.
You have been successful in your pursuit of doing what God does perfectly.


[email protected] 

Connie  McClaran

Gallery 55 (Hub) 311 E Lake St. McCall, ID 83638

Hi, I’m Connie McClaran
My work is an expression of the deep connection I feel with the natural world. When I’m on a photographic “walkabout”, I let the lines of separation from that Natural World to blur and blend into an immersion that becomes the images you’ll see at my booth.
Before I even begin to find a photograph, I wait for all of the sensory experiences of the place I’m in to come alive in their interwoven relationships with one another: the bird’s song, the stillness of the lake, the voice of wind in trees, the rush of the creek, the distant movement in the clouds. When they come together and I feel a part of it, I pick up my camera and get lost in the magic of bringing it into a photograph. Minor White, a famous father of photography, described this process:

“No matter how slow the film, Spirit always stands still long enough for the photographer it has chosen.”

I hope you’ll choose to come by and see for yourself!



Jane Cropp

13800 Raptor Loop, McCall, ID 83638

I have enjoyed drawing and painting for my entire life. I get inspiration from my many outdoor adventures and paint landscapes and animals in outdoor settings. The medium I use is acrylic paint and I infuse color to dramatize the scenes.
I am an active member of Gallery 55 in McCall, Idaho and have participated in many local outdoor fine art shows.

Connect with Jane on Instagram @jane.cropp
[email protected]