What is a Creative District?
A creative district is a way to identify, promote and grow the creative people, products and places of an area.
Creative districts become destinations for both locals and visitors, contribute to local economies, and help to celebrate and retain the unique characteristics that, along with our stunning natural environment, define our region.
The Idaho Commission on the Arts is investing resources to assist local stakeholders in the West Central Mountains Region to develop the first regional creative district in Idaho. This pilot project will help the Commission assess the feasibility of a statewide creative district program.
Why the West Central Mountains Region?
The West Central Mountains region of Idaho has a history of people working together to accomplish a lot with limited resources and is rich in creative assets such as artists, entrepreneurs, innovators, makers and their networks, places and organizations. Establishment of a creative district fits perfectly with regional economic development and tourism strategies and puts arts and culture on the map along with world class outdoor recreation.
A diverse group of local stakeholders have engaged in this development of a creative district and are specifically interested in identifying and promoting local creative assets toward increased economic, cultural, and social development. Anticipated outcomes include:
- increased visibility, recognition, sales of creative and related sectors
- capacity development within creative sectors through new tools, resources, training
- new or expanded ways of problem-solving and innovating
- expanded local cultural resources, awareness of local culture, quality of life.
Count Yourself Creative Initiative
Be counted as a creative resource in Idaho’s West Central Mountains! Whether you’re an artist, crafter, innovator, maker, baker, or someone that aspires to be creative, please let us know who you are by completing the Count Yourself Creative inventory form.
Your information will help demonstrate that creativity is alive and thriving in Idaho’s West Central Mountains region. This will provide a foundation for the establishment of a state-recognized regional Creative District. Once up and running, the West Central Mountains Creative District can collaboratively promote local creative work, and link you with other creative people, places, and events.
Get involved and get counted! Please take a few minutes to complete the form, because the creativity of community members like you, along with our natural environment, is what makes Idaho’s West Central Mountains region extraordinary!